Sunday, September 9, 2007

7.0 madrid de los austrias - un mensaje

today it got cold. i was in montreal walking around the sidewalks and noticed folks breaking out the down vests, the mufflers and the hats.

there were a few sun worshippers about.. you know who you are. you who refuse to allow summer to get away so quick, wearing your tanks and skirts and sandals despite the chill in the air... and i applaud you.

today's musical note is dedicated to you.

here's something from a duo from austria, who make music that sounds like it was from madrid. possibly explaining why they are called madrid de los austrias. their first release was called amor. the follow up? mas amor. these guys don't mess around. my favourite is a throaty vocal flamenco chillout track, which i heard at the very end of a sultry end-of-summer costa del sol podcast by oddio... so don't put away the tanks, the skirts the sandals just yet.

madrid de los austrias - un mensaje:

related to this...
costa del sol