go get your headphones. the big, black ones, the plush ones that cover your ears. just get them, now before it's too late.
this pyromaniac, arsonist narrates his secret obsession in a thin, tinny voice, which stands out against the voluptuous, melodic layered keys and deep echoes of the drums and high hats. as he sets fire to an old house, turntable scratches punctuate his story, creating even more depth. he's a great storyteller. the entire effect is a feeling of indulgence, of a gift to oneself.
an old favourite, this track takes me back to an embryonic state. all warm and gooey. all comfy and jelly-like. special.
and all alone.
ok, got em? plug in those headphones and give your self a few minutes. enjoy...
mc 900 ft. jesus - the city sleeps:
i always wondered what happened to mc 900 ft. jesus... his real name is mark griffin and apparently he's taken time off to learn to fly and now spins jazz music in a dallas night club.
thanks to david hornbuckle for posting this. get this at via the label store, nettwerk.