well that was some hiatus, wasn't it?
my last post was april 2012. i went off music. and it was GOOD for me. SO good. SO VERY GOOD.
this past spring, i came back to it.
and well, there's no way to catch up on 83 months of music.
but here we are and here she is, a one-woman-wonder.
her vibe is infectious. so much soul. voice. and i love how she layers everything so slowly here.
a little skanky guitar.
a blues inspired bit.
a rockabilly bit.
then that gorgeous melody cascading down on it all.
some percussive bass giving it even more depth.
high hat.
who doesn't love hand-claps?
and then that voice.... i'm done.
she even adds some pure rock guitar in there, and does it all while pets and flat-mates make peek-a-boo appearances onto the set: her very normal, lived-in living room.
i dare you to not move to it.