where i live, kids are back in school. cottage season is ending. everyone is back from holidays.
and we're on schedules. we're busier. campaigns start. sales pick up. meetings get booked. end-of-year planning. next-year planning. prime-time tv season. sports season. gym memberships renew. we rush around. coffee on-the-go, lunch on-the-go. we don't have dinner together. we optimize and prioritize and try to be efficient and multi-task. traffic builds.
....but what would happen if we slowed down a little bit? what if we, for one day tried a little experiment?
yes, us. what if we - for one day - looked at ourselves and at one other as we really are? instead of as humans, with bodies and thoughts, opinions, motives and actions... what if we stripped it all away, stepped back and felt ourselves and each other as we really are?
as souls?
........what would happen?
the only thing we want as souls, is peace. so i challenge you, to a day of soulfulness. try it with family, with co-workers, with friends, with that lady at the corner store, with strangers on the train. interact soul to soul. see if it opens a doorway to peace. even in the busy times. even in september.
soul to soul - back to life:
more soulfulness:
- nina simone - sinnerman
- stevie wonder - free
- finley quaye - even after all
- yonderboi - riders on the storm / pink solidism
get this at amazon